Sunday, February 23, 2014

The familiar and the new.

My body aches today as if I partied hard last night, when really, I just stayed up until 3am editing the really fun shoot I had just completed.  It's like that feeling that goes along with the morning sentence of "Damn, lastnight was crazy!"  When really, the only booze that was consumed was the splash of PBR used for a particular shot.    ... So I think it's pretty awesome that that feeling could be evoked from a photoshoot and some quality time in Photoshop.
The best part about this shoot was that I caught a glimpse of my old self within my work.  Sure, I love all the creative exploring I get to do during this project, but it was so nice to see the particular pizzaz and quirkiness I used to frequently have in my style.  It causes me to have this spark of energy that really motivates me, which is probably why I couldn't put down my Wacom pen until it was well into the middle of the night.
I moved out to LA almost a year ago.  For the past 9 months I have been sleeping on an army cot in the corner of my brother's dining room.  I've been living with the bare minimum and have never once felt ungrateful.  I would not have been able to make this move in the first place without the help from my family.  I have been working so hard to make sure I am able to make rent on time, pay the bills, have food on the table, and continue living out here.  My hard work has paid off and next week I move into a new apartment.  I'll get my own bedroom and I'll get to sleep in a real bed.  And even though I'm super pumped about this, a part of me is really sad to be leaving the home that my brother and his fiance have welcomed me into.  *cue the tears*   (.....for real)

The photoshoot lastnight was with the roommates I will have starting next week.  It was so much fun, and something tells me we will all get along just fine and our friendship will only grow.  I'm lucky to have such awesome people welcome me into what will be my new home.

"The parallels of friendship."
©Franta Photo 2014

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