Tuesday, February 11, 2014

So far I'm liking this.

As a poured myself a fresh cup of coffee this morning and listened to the cars pass by outside, I had the inspiration to start early on my photo today.  Working in photoshop is one of my favorite things to do on a relaxing day.. I can get lost in the program for hours.  My sister would pick up a book on a day like today, and I will plug in my Wacom tablet.. both are therapeutic in our own worlds.
Now, I didn't always have this peaceful mindset about Photoshop. When I first started learning the program I absolutely hated it.  It was torture to me.  I considered Adobe to be my enemy.  Going to my Photoshop class was like going to the dentist; except there was no Novocain to help ease the pain.  I would sit at the computer as I tried to do something as simple as mask something and would just curse away.  It's a very good thing my mother wasn't by my side to hear the things I would say to that computer screen.  But then after awhile, things just started to click.  And once I had a grasp on the simple things, I was able to push myself further and learn more advanced techniques.  Now, I feel as though Adobe had created a world where I can explore.  A world where I will happily get lost for hours.
Sometimes I like to go out a take a very simple photograph, knowing that I will just want to play with it in Photoshop.  This is what I decided to do today.  I took a very simple photograph of my brother in Griffith Park, and then just played with the tones and the coloring of the image until I felt the photo reached the vision I had in my mind.  ..And there wasn't even any cursing :)

Below I have the image from today, as well as the ones from day 2 and 3.  Since I will only be making a new blog post every few days for this project, if you'd like to follow these images on a daily basis you can see them on my facebook page as well as my twitter.

"Stone cold."
©Franta Photo 2014

"Being difficult."
©Franta Photo 2014

©Franta Photo 2014

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