Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pushing forward.

Well.  This is slightly awkward since I realized I haven't written a blog post in over a month.  I'm even sitting here now still not completely sure what I should write.  The month of March was, well, crazy to say the least.  It had its good moments, but when I say 'crazy', I don't necessarily mean for that to be a good thing.  Lets just say it was rough.  Work was slow, even though I have 3 jobs.  I was scrambling for money at the end of the month in order to pay my rent.  I had to think of whatever I could in order to make some quick cash. I was offering do to chores for my friends and family, trying to put together a last minute yard sale, listing the few semi-valuable possession I do have on Craigslist, and buying food at the dollar store.  I couldn't put much gas in my car and at one point I even ran out of fuel just two blocks from home.  And then when I finally did get home, I found out that one of my friends dogs, who was one of the coolest dogs in the world I might add, passed away.  So at this point I was driven to tears.  I hadn't had a period of time like this in while and even though I was trying my best to cope with everything the best I could, I hit a crashing point.
You're probably reading this thinking I complain a lot.  I don't really.  I'm saying all of this for a reason.  Because hitting a certain low made me really want to achieve a certain high.  Once I finally made it through March and it passed, I felt like I had a shot at making April a fresh start.  Struggling the way I did only made me get super creative when trying to think of ways to resolve the issues.  And after the tears subsided it was like I was put into hyper drive.  This month I have new goals as well as continuing strongly with old goals.  And even though I'm insanely busy, I really do feel great.  March was a challenge, but I didn't let it defeat me.  

"the constant dull ache, it turns.
a fog settles and my walk slows.
it sizzles and spins around me,
playing dirty with my mind.

drawing blank and without a breath,
I fight and scratch;
clawing at the lifeless air until,
fear settles in.

I fall, and fall silent;
desperate for solution.
and with a glance at a dream,
I am pushed forward."

-K. Franta

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