Sunday, February 23, 2014

The familiar and the new.

My body aches today as if I partied hard last night, when really, I just stayed up until 3am editing the really fun shoot I had just completed.  It's like that feeling that goes along with the morning sentence of "Damn, lastnight was crazy!"  When really, the only booze that was consumed was the splash of PBR used for a particular shot.    ... So I think it's pretty awesome that that feeling could be evoked from a photoshoot and some quality time in Photoshop.
The best part about this shoot was that I caught a glimpse of my old self within my work.  Sure, I love all the creative exploring I get to do during this project, but it was so nice to see the particular pizzaz and quirkiness I used to frequently have in my style.  It causes me to have this spark of energy that really motivates me, which is probably why I couldn't put down my Wacom pen until it was well into the middle of the night.
I moved out to LA almost a year ago.  For the past 9 months I have been sleeping on an army cot in the corner of my brother's dining room.  I've been living with the bare minimum and have never once felt ungrateful.  I would not have been able to make this move in the first place without the help from my family.  I have been working so hard to make sure I am able to make rent on time, pay the bills, have food on the table, and continue living out here.  My hard work has paid off and next week I move into a new apartment.  I'll get my own bedroom and I'll get to sleep in a real bed.  And even though I'm super pumped about this, a part of me is really sad to be leaving the home that my brother and his fiance have welcomed me into.  *cue the tears*   (.....for real)

The photoshoot lastnight was with the roommates I will have starting next week.  It was so much fun, and something tells me we will all get along just fine and our friendship will only grow.  I'm lucky to have such awesome people welcome me into what will be my new home.

"The parallels of friendship."
©Franta Photo 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

Time flies when you're having fun.

It's been awhile since I've actually taken the time to sit down and place some words upon this screen.  I've been steadily moving along with this project alongside my obligations to work and friends, and it feels great.  I really thought the 365 project would be a bit more stressful at first.  I admit I was a little nervous to start it in the first place, but I have really grown to love the time I have with my camera each day.  In fact, I feel as though its actually helped relieve some stress.  It has become a very positive part of my day and brings in a sense of accomplishment that I'm becoming addicted to.  "The world surrounds me with whatever may come, and each day I am able to count on the soothing constant that is my creative process."

Some highlights from the week:

"Family at its finest."
©Franta Photo 2014

©Franta Photo 2014

"Through the glass."
©Franta Photo 2014

©Franta Photo 2014 

©Franta Photo 2014 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

So far I'm liking this.

As a poured myself a fresh cup of coffee this morning and listened to the cars pass by outside, I had the inspiration to start early on my photo today.  Working in photoshop is one of my favorite things to do on a relaxing day.. I can get lost in the program for hours.  My sister would pick up a book on a day like today, and I will plug in my Wacom tablet.. both are therapeutic in our own worlds.
Now, I didn't always have this peaceful mindset about Photoshop. When I first started learning the program I absolutely hated it.  It was torture to me.  I considered Adobe to be my enemy.  Going to my Photoshop class was like going to the dentist; except there was no Novocain to help ease the pain.  I would sit at the computer as I tried to do something as simple as mask something and would just curse away.  It's a very good thing my mother wasn't by my side to hear the things I would say to that computer screen.  But then after awhile, things just started to click.  And once I had a grasp on the simple things, I was able to push myself further and learn more advanced techniques.  Now, I feel as though Adobe had created a world where I can explore.  A world where I will happily get lost for hours.
Sometimes I like to go out a take a very simple photograph, knowing that I will just want to play with it in Photoshop.  This is what I decided to do today.  I took a very simple photograph of my brother in Griffith Park, and then just played with the tones and the coloring of the image until I felt the photo reached the vision I had in my mind.  ..And there wasn't even any cursing :)

Below I have the image from today, as well as the ones from day 2 and 3.  Since I will only be making a new blog post every few days for this project, if you'd like to follow these images on a daily basis you can see them on my facebook page as well as my twitter.

"Stone cold."
©Franta Photo 2014

"Being difficult."
©Franta Photo 2014

©Franta Photo 2014

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The start of something new.. starts now!

Since the start of 2014, I have come up with a number of goals I would like to fulfill this year, one of them being the 365 project.  For those of you who don't know what that is, it's where you produce a photograph every day for a year.  I chose to do this so I could really explore as an artist and see how much I grow during the process.  I decided I was going to start it February 1st, and during the months approaching that date, I found myself very motivated and excited to start this photographic adventure. But when February 1st made it's appearance on my iPhone calendar, I had a number of excuses ready to go as to why I should just start it on the 2nd.  Then the 2nd came, and I had an excuse to wait for the 3rd.  Then the 3rd came, and well, you get the point.  I didn't understand why the motivation for this project I had in December and January had faded.  And then I realized what my problem was.
The realization came to me when I was eating an order of delicious animal style In-N-Out fries.  You see, among many other things, eating healthier is also one of the things I would like to do in 2014.  But instead of passing on the fries, I said to myself "I'll start my diet tomorrow."  And that's when it dawned on me..  the 'I'll do it tomorrow' excuse has been going through my head whenever I feel like putting off starting these goals of mine.
I've always been a procrastinator.  It's a problem.  It's a problem because I actually feel as though I get more done when I'm under pressure.  I even procrastinate when it comes to something as simple as packing a suitcase for a trip. I will wait until the morning of my flight to just cram everything in my suitcase and run out the door.  The other problem is that I thoroughly enjoy being lazy.  There is nothing I love more that to lay on the couch with a cup of hot coffee, curl up in a blanket, and watch about 37 episodes of Modern Family in a row.  This is my idea of a crazy awesome Saturday night.
The goals I have for 2014 are so important to me, but I realized recently that the goal I should have thought of first is to no longer put things off.  No more silly excuses.  The I'll-Start-My-Diet-Tomorrow Syndrome ends now.  I'm going to take my first dose of 'No-More-Bullshiticillin', and be on my merry way to fulfilling these goals of mine.
Thank you for taking interest in my 365 project.  I will continue to blog during the journey and fill you in on my thoughts, progress, and some exciting things I will have going alongside this year-long project that I really am super excited to start on this 8th day of February.  .....better late than never.

You can view my 365 project photographs at

Day 001
"The girl who could change the world."